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Bereeveen Monastery

Baldan Bereeven
Bereeven Monastery

east mongolia

The ruins of Bereeven Monastery can be found in the Bereeven Mountains’ depression. In 1777, the monastery was built of granite stone. The God of “Manzushir,” standing 3 meters tall and 2 meters wide, was carved out of a steep, reddish granite outcropping to the monastery’s south east. In 1813, the main worship hall was constructed. It featured 32 columns and three stairwells known as “Utai gumben,” however one of the stairwells had broken away from the wall. It was repaired in the last several years thanks to an American-funded project. At one point, the monastery housed 8,000 lamas. It was the eastern Khalkh Mongols’ religious center. Because of their proximity to the forest, the structures were mostly made of stone and wood. There is no comprehensive research on Bereeven Monastery.